7.18.14 PERSEVERE!

Frequency Lesson!

This one is about flowing with CHANGE. It is radical, and at the moment it is as much for ME as  for anyone who reads it.

In my case, its about knowing that “‘frequency lesson posts’ are useless until and unless they are useful to those who read them.” (Decode THAT one, and you’ll get way more out of it than you “thought” you would.)

In general, this lesson is about
1.) attuning in every moment to how RAPIDLY a complete shift in consciousness is occuring, and
2.) recognizing the many ways in which such a radical shift can play out.

Some will try to navigate it as if it is “same old, same old,” and so blame themselves for “failing,” and retreat… and so they WILL, bless their hearts.

Others will like the “concept,” but not really “buy it,” and so think they can “get by” with talking the talk without walking it… until they learn that the way they walk IS the path.

Still others– those who are so traumatized that they do not trust anything but “power over others” as a means of survival– well, they may resort to violence in their panic (and already ARE, in fact). And even that will serve to enlighten the collective, albeit in a painful way — but only in exact proportion to those who REQUIRE the shock of such drama in order to “see ANEW.”

The most challenging experience of all for those of us who DO see, however, are our daily interactions with the majority who as yet do not see– and to FEEL the pain of the gap.
To those of you, I say YES.
FEEL the isolation such “seeing” results in.
FEEL the fear and grief, the very fruits of separation, until you know it in your bones.
FEEL your heart aching as if it surely will break in two.

I say this because I have a FEELING, almost overwhelming in its power– that this perseverence in holding the frequency of whatever you believe in most– is about to manifest into forrm. Big Time.
So, be conscious of the frequency you choose, hold on, and PERSEVERE.
That’s MY two cents, anyway… YOU decide what its  worth.

By the way, if you want more than two cents from me every now and then, don’t forget about the monthly Energy Tele-Gatherings, held on the 3rd Sunday of every month throughout 2014.



Copyright(c) 2014, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://www.JudithDagley.wordpress.com

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  1. Reblogged this on the celestial team and commented:

    Understand, Beloved! YOU, as a Co-Creator Being of Frequency, are at the fulcrum of a turning point for humankind. Indeed, DO persevere in your mastery of consciously manifesting destiny through frequency! To do otherwise– to manifest by default to the majority, for example…would not be wise NOW, nor even kind… particulary not NOW.
    Hold your own! Persevere! SHINE, Beloved! Pulse out the frequencies of your Light NOW, and shine as never before.
    How we love you. Always and in All Ways– the celestial team

  2. su weir

     /  July 19, 2014

    I thank you for this post….I AM feeling the isolation, the fear and grief and my heart aching……I am feeling so alone—and even deep resentment towards myself—that my life is so solo, that i don’t fit in anywhere and that when i am with Others who ‘have companions, families, intimate friends they enjoy–and i do not—-whew, i hurt so badly inside that i often want to leave the planet, this painful solo life that i cannot seem to change. This is SO devastating in my soul………i do not understand how to….Persevere. Please help. Many blessings, Su

    • Su, read some of the posts archived under “Your Life is Your Creation.” Watch the videos on my youtube channel, “fromthecelestialteam.” Take in their frequencies, even if you don’t understand the “how” of whatever they are addressing. Just breathe in the frequencies, they will help to lift your own. Relax your body, it will keep you from resisting and so contracting against your own feelings, which does NOT alleviate them. And, join my monthly Energy Tele-Gatherings! Within them, you’ll get support in shifting out of the energy pattern of isolation. You can also ask questions and get answers personally in “real time.” The July Energy Tele-Gathering is tomorrow, 7/20, by the way, and two spaces opened up this morning. Divine timing, perhaps! You can read more about the tele-gatherings, and how to participate, in the recent post about them on this website. You are NOT alone! Much Love to you– Judith

  3. This is so exactly what I am experiencing and sensing. It is about to manifest in form and now is the time to be the pillars of peace, the frequency holders of Oneness, all that we know ourselves to be. Thank you Judith and your team.

  1. Judith Dagley – PERSEVERE! – 19 July 2014 | Lucas 2012 Infos

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